300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373

Posts tagged “Tropical looking foliage

Albuca nelsonii

Albuca nelsonii

Albuca nelsonii

A robust, evergreen, bulbous perennial from South Africa. This is a striking plant, a great alternative to agapanthus. Spikes of white and green flowers through summer, last well and are good for cut flower. Tolerant of dry shade.

1m | $13

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Begonia grandis evansiana

Begonia grandis evansiana

The rich green, big, bold (size of outstretched hand) leaves and the pastel pink flowers of this begonia make quite a statement in the garden. Upright growth can damage easily in wind. Does require a sheltered position, sun or shade.

1.2m | $18

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Davidsonia pruriens (Davidson’s plum) | SOLD OUT

Davidsonia pruriens (Davidson’s plum)

A rain forest tree from northern Queensland Australia. Forms a medium sized tree with large compound leaves. Edible, purple, plum-like fruit are produced in autumn winter, the red flesh makes a lovely jam. Prefers moist, fertile soils; protect from frost and strong wind.

6m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Hibiscus mutabilis (Confederate Rose / Cotton Rose)

Hibiscus mutabilis

Hibiscus mutabilis (Confederate Rose / Cotton Rose)

This is a beauty we found flowering in a garden in late summer in Waihi. The Cotton Rose has quite large semi-double white flowers which gradually turn pale pink before aging dark pink. All present on the tree at one time. A good food source for bees. The large grass green, maple shaped leaves are soft in texture. These turn butter yellow in autumn, deciduous. A stunning, upright small tree for mild climates or a multi-leadered shrub in cooler places. Can be pruned to maintain as a shrub.

3m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) || email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Hosta Elegans

Hosta Elegans

This plant makes a dramatic statement with the big, bold, heart-haped blue leaves. White flowers with the palest lavender blush in summer. Semi-shade preferred.

0.6m | $13

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Inga edulis (Icecream Bean)

Inga edulis (Icecream Bean)

A fast growing evergreen tree from South America. Produces pods in late autumn / winter  upto 30cm long containing a white edible pulp surrounding large seeds.

6m | $24.50

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Jovellana sinclairii | SOLD OUT

Jovellana sinclairii

A very pretty native, herbaceous plant. Trusses of delicate looking pale lilac / white bell-shaped (Calceolaria like) flowers and pale green leaves. Perfect for a damp shady dell.

60cm | $12

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Justicia carnea alba

Justicia carnea alba

Justicia carnea alba

The white candelabra like flowers looking stunning against the dark green glossy leaves. Tropical looking. Requires shade and shelter. It is not as robust or cold tolerant as other types.

1.5m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel: 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Giant honeysuckle. Worth having for the name alone. An evergreen climber for a hot spot with very large scented apricot flowers. Rare.


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Oreopanax capitatus

Oreopanax capitatus

A small growing, tropical, evergreen tree from Central America. Related to the NZ Pseudopanax, with glossy green leaves similar to the five-finger. Attractive to bees, butterflies and insects. Frost tender.

5m | $24.5

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron Dawn Chorus

Rhododendron Dawn Chorus

Delightful pastel pink flowers with a creamy-yellow throat, medium growth.

1.5m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Flash Harry

Rhododendron Flash Harry

Rhododendron vireya Flash Harry

Bright cherry-pink flowers with a pale yellow throat. Prolific flowering. Compact growth.

1.2m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Haloed Gold

Rhododendron vireya Haloed Gold

Lovely, bright, butter yellow flowers on a tall upright growing bush. Flowers multiple times through year.

2m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Luna Flame

Rhododendron Flash Harry

Rhododendron vireya Luna Flame

Masses of vibrant orange double flowers. Glossy tropical looking leaves.

1.5m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel: 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Popcorn

Rhododendron Popcorn

Rhododendron vireya Popcorn

Big trusses of small white tubular flowers. Lush green foliage on a compact bush. 1.5m

1.5m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Red Mountain

Rhododendron vireya Red Mountain

Masses of dark ruby red tubular flowers. A strong growing, hardy variety, forms a compact bush.

1m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Scented Sun

Rhododendron vireya Scented Sun

The ruffled, buttercup yellow, scented flowers are stunning on this small bush.

1.2m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel: 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Solar Flare

Rhododendron vireya Solar Flare

Rhododendron vireya Solar Flare

Rhododendron vireya Solar Flare

Rich pinky-purple, lightly scented trusses. Flowers 2 x year. Upright growth.

1.5m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) || email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Sweet Wendy | AVAILABLE 2024

Rhododendron vireya Sweet Wendy

Rhododendron vireya Sweet Wendy

Fragrant flowers of pale yellow with a soft pink flush. Compact plant.

1.5m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron vireya Tropic Glow

Rhododendron vireya Tropic Glow

Rhododendron vireya Tropic Glow

Trusses of large orange flowers with a golden yellow throat. Glossy, leathery, tropical looking foliage. Require frost free position with good drainage. Flowers better in full sun situation though do not let them dry out. They flower intermittently throughout the year.

2m | $20

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhopalostylis sapida (Nikau Palm)

Rhopalostylis sapida (Nikau Palm)

New Zealand’s only native palm tree.

10m | $20 (PB3) & $40 (PB12)

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Mobile 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Salix magnifica | SOLD OUT

Salix magnifica

Salix magnifica

Truly magnificent. The large bluish leaves look more like a Magnolia than a willow. Long catkins up to 25cm in length appear in spring. Would look great beside water or in a tropical garden. Hardy upright shrub, prefers some shelter.

6m | $ 18

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz