300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373

Posts tagged “Collectors plant

Camellia gauchowensis

Camellia gauchowensis

Camellia gauchowensis

Species. Lightly scented, single white flowers from late autumn through into winter. Strong upright form.

4m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Camellia grijsii | SOLD OUT

Camellia grijsii

Camellia grijsii

Species camellia from southern China. The white scented flowers are single with heart shaped petals. Upright growth habit, forms small tree.

4m | $22


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Camellia lutchuensis

Camellia lutchuensis

Camellia lutchuensis

A species camellia from Japan. The tiny single white flowers are the most sweetly scented of any camellia. Evergreen, upright growing, with small green leaves. Best suited to a semi-shaded or open woodland environment.

2m | $20


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Camellia salicifolia

Camellia salicifolia

Camellia salicifolia

A species camellia from Hong Kong, with small, lightly scented, single white flowers. The foliage is a real feature, with long narrow ‘willow-like’ leaves; the new growth bronze-red before turning green in summer. Pendulous, almost weeping habit.

2m | $22


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Cantua buxifolia

Cantua buxifolia

Sacred flower of the Inca’s. The Cantua is the National flower of Peru. Spring flowering with a profusion of vibrant pink tubular flowers. An evergreen shrub with long weeping branches. Benefits from pruning after flowering. Tolerant of light frosts.

2.5m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Cantua buxifolia Alba

Cantua buxifolia

Cantua buxifolia Alba

Sacred flower of the Inca’s. The Cantua is the National flower of Peru. Beautiful pendant yellow & white flowers in spring. An evergreen shrub with an open habit, benefits from pruning after flowering. Tolerant of light frosts.

2.5m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Decumaria sinensis (Chinese climbing hydrangea)

Decumaria sinensis


Decumaria sinensis (Chinese climbing hydrangea)

An evergreen, climbing hydrangea, with self-adhesive aerial roots. It has small white, fragrant flowers through summer, and small, rounded, dark green leaves. It will grow in shade, however will flower better if given some sunlight. Typically flowers when reaches the top of climbing frame.

$22 | 4-10m

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Deutzia purpurascens

Deutzia purpurascens

Deutzia purpurascens

Native of Yunan province of China. Uncommon. Masses of lovely pinky white flowers in spring. A hardy deciduous shrub.

1.8m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Edgeworthia gardneri

Edgeworthia gardeneri

Edgeworthia gardneri

A rare plant from Nepal. Soft, felty, greyish green leaves and globes of fragrant yellow flowers – loved by Tui. Prefers a sunny well drained site. Upright habit. Related to Daphnes. See also Daphnes a useful bloom.

2m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Fothergilla major (Mountain Witch Alder) | WAITING LIST

Fothergilla major (Mountain Witch Alder)

Fothergilla major (Mountain Witch Alder)

Noted for its fragrant spring flowers and stunning autumn leaf display. This is a slow growing deciduous shrub, best grown in full sun or part shade, reasonably cold hardy.

1.5m | $34

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Illicium floridanum (Purple Anise) | SOLD OUT

Illicium floridanum (Purple Anise)
Please check above for status

Illicium floridanum

Purple anise. An upright, evergreen shrub with aromatic foliage. The smooth, glossy dark green leaves smell like anise when crushed. Rich red-wine coloured flowers appear in spring, with a heady port-like fragrance. Prefers a shady location with cool moist soil. Related to the Star anise, though this form is not edible as it is toxic.

1.5m | $28

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Isoplexis sceptrum (Giant Madeira Foxglove) | AVAILABLE SPRING

Isoplexis sceptrum

Isoplexis sceptrum (Giant Madeira Foxglove)

Giant Madeira Foxglove. A stunning rare plant. Taller and more robust than the Canary Is. Foxglove, with broader, darker green leaves and larger dark orange foxglove flowers. Will form a tall woody shrub.

1.5m | $24.50

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Itea ilicifolia

Itea illicifolia

Itea ilicifolia

Holly leaf sweet spire. Long, drooping racemes (up to 30cm) of creamy sweet smelling flowers in late summer. Glossy rich green holly-like leaves.

2m | $24.50

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Justicia carnea alba

Justicia carnea alba

Justicia carnea alba

The white candelabra like flowers looking stunning against the dark green glossy leaves. Tropical looking. Requires shade and shelter. It is not as robust or cold tolerant as other types.

1.5m | $22

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel: 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Litsea japonica

Litsea japonica

Litsea japonica

A small growing, evergreen tree from Japan and South Korea. Uncommon. Very attractive foliage and form. Blue-green leaves, with golden tomentum underside. Maintains tidy form without pruning. Prefers moderate climate.

5m | $24.50

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) | email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Lomatia ferruginea

Lomatia ferruginea

Lomatia ferruginea

A handsome evergreen shrub or small tree from Chile which grows to approx 10m. The dark green fern-like leaves with red brown velvet stems are popular for floral work. It is a coastal species in its natural habitat, can tolerate wet conditions and short dry periods, will grow in light shade and is quite hardy, (zone 8) tolerating average frost. Lomatia is a member of the Proteaceae family and therefore requires minimal fertiliser. Members of this family do not like phosphorus.

10m | $34

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Giant honeysuckle. Worth having for the name alone. An evergreen climber for a hot spot with very large scented apricot flowers. Rare.


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Neolitsea sericea

Neolitsea sericea

A small, evergreen, laurel tree from Japan, Korea and China. The new growth in spring is very attractive with shiny tomentum. The leaves contain essential oils that have been used in soap and candle making.

6m | $24.50 (PB5) – larger grade available on request

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Osmanthus fragrans (Sweet olive)

Osmanthus fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans

This upright shrub/small tree is revered in China and Japan for the heavenly scented white flowers. Can flower multiple times through summer and autumn. Not as hardy as the other Osmanthus, so choose a warm sunny site. Evergreen. The notable difference between this plant and Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus is the flower colour, it is also more floriferous. Note this is the true Osmanthus fragrans (often confused with O. x fortunei)

5m | $34

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus | WAITING LIST

Osmanthus aurantiacus

Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus

A rare orange flowered form of the temple Osmanthus. This upright shrub/small tree is revered in China and Japan for the heavenly scented flowers. We do find that this variety does not flower as regularly. Not as hardy as the other Osmanthus, so choose a warm sunny site. Evergreen.

See Osmanthus fragrans as an alternative – this is an identical plant with white flowers, flowering multiple times per year.

5m | $45

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
tel +64 21 072 7394 (phone or text) || email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Pileostegia viburnoides

pileostegia viburnoides

Pileostegia viburnoides

A self-clinging climbing Hydrangea from China with panicles of white fluffy flowers. An evergreen climber with attractive fleshy, dark green leaves. It will grow in difficult shady places. Frost tender.

$30 | 4-10m

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Rhododendron tuba

Rhododendron tuba

Rhododendron tuba

A species rhododendron of the vireya type originating from the cooler mountainous regions of Papua New Guinea. Profuse flowering with a cascade of fragrant pale pink tubular flowers. A hardy plant with strong upright growth. Require frost free position with good drainage. Flowers better in full sun situation though do not let them dry out. They flower intermittently throughout the year.

3m | $24.50

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Schizophragma integrifolium ssp. faurei

Schizophragma integrifolium fauri

Schizophragma integrifolium ssp. faurei

Collected in Taiwan. This species is a relative of the hydrangea and is very similar to the climbing Hydrangea however has much larger flower heads (up to 30cm wide) with white bracts. Ideal up a ponga or old tree trunk. Slightly less frost hardy than Hydrangea petiolaris and S. hydrangeoides.


Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz

Schizophragma hydrangeoides | SOLD OUT

Schizophragma hydrangeoides

This species is a relative of the hydrangea and is very similar to the climbing hydrangea. It has very large, creamy white lacecap flowers. Brilliant climber for a difficult shady site though will flower better if in a sunny site. Frost hardy.

Climber | $30

Janica and Quin Amoore Woodleigh Nursery 300 Mountain Road RD 3 New Plymouth 4373
Tel 06 752 0830 | Cell 021 072 7394 (phone or text) | Email janica@woodleigh.co.nz